By: Jackjones on 9/19/2024
[06:30:22] Timothymarker: And when you travel on a slow wagon through dangerous terrain, always lead a riding horse. In case of danger abandon wagon, and jump on riding horse, and run away. You can come back later for the wagon.
[11:13:49] Striderlongshanks: There’s a first time buy real money, 2 months premium and 5 silver coins for about 15 USD.
[20:25:08] Tantris: If it says ‘champion’ or ‘greenish’ in front of it, it’s alot more deadlier and harder to tame or kill than a normal one of its type.
[20:21:27] Starmoon: To find the owners of a deed, you can find the token and see who made the town.
[17:44:25] Spacy: The dual wield makes axe 1 miss more, and axe 2 miss a lot more. Overall, adds up to less damage than a huge weapon, and about the same as a single large.
[20:55:24] Kadence: I’d recommend 70 fighting skill minimum (for fighting at Rifts) with as high QL equipment as you can afford.
[18:40:08] Neznano: Facts, if your full attention is on Wurm, than maybe you can make use of WoA, but if you got a second monitor with Dragon Ball on it, then CoC only is your bread and butter.